7 broiler and turkey innovations from Eurotier 2024

Everything from poultry house vision systems to hydration beads and hatching egg sanitizing systems were offered to poultry producers.

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I saw several new products at Eurotier 2024 that I think will be of interest to broiler and turkey growers and integrators. Some of these products are ready to go today, while others are in the final stages of development, but all appeared to me to have merit.

AquaBeads X from Clear H2O (clearh2o.com): High moisture gel beads with electrolytes and betaine designed for top dressing starter feed when chicks and poults are first placed in the house. The colored gel beads attract the birds to the feeder pan or supplemental cardboard feeder tray and entice them to peck. Hatchlings can ingest feed and get hydrated all at once.

Two camera systems with image analysis utilizing artificial intelligence were exhibited by VetVise (VetVise.com/en/poultry) and wolution (wolution.ai/animalvision). The VetVise system analyzes poultry house images onsite, a good option for remote farms with limited internet connectivity. Both systems operate during light and dark periods in the poultry house and provide actionable updates to growers. The wolution system can be trained to identify any type of object in an image whether in a poultry house or on a microscope slide.

Vaccybot from AAT (agri-at.com) is a vaccination robot that inoculates as many as 2,800 birds per hour in the breast with one to four needles and up to 6 different vaccines at the same time. The system is portable and can be moved from house to house, once the birds are loaded into the machine, the rest is done automatically.

BAT1 Sorting Machine from BAT Scales (poultryscales.com/sortingmachine) sorts birds like pullets and breeders by weight into up to three different groups. The system couples with any BAT scale.

eggytizer from AAT (agri-at.com) sanitizes hatching egg shells without chemicals utilizing low-energy electrons which do not penetrate the egg membrane. The system can sanitize up to 25,000 eggs per hour and provide up to a 5 log reduction in bacterial lode on the eggshell.

Compact Nestborn from Nestborn (nestborn.eu) Unloads eggs from trays and places them on the poultry house floor to allow for on-farm hatching of the eggs. The compact machine fits in the hatchery truck with the eggs which allows for one individual to deliver eggs to a farm and the machine can place up to 30,000 eggs in one hour.

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