The World Veterinary Education in Production Animal Health (WVEPAH) is going to be hosting a certification program on Laying Hen Health and Production in collaboration with the UNMSM (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos) in Lima, Peru this coming November.
The WVEPAH is a non-profit organization providing high-quality post-graduate training for professionals in various fields of production animals, as is stated on its website. The course fulfills this by learning from the best in the world, “for professionals, by professionals.” Plus, it has the advantage of being officially validated with an internationally recognized academic diploma from the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH/OIE), as an international expert. Those with a veterinary degree are eligible to the “Certificate in Animal Health: Poultry Production” or CAHPP.
The course will be offered fully in Spanish by experts from Peru, Canada, Colombia, France, Mexico, the U.S. and Belgium in 44 hours of pre-recorded sessions and then on-site. This includes demonstrations, case presentations, discussion panels and lab work. Training includes subjects such as pest control; artificial intelligence; beak conditioning; toxic problems; nutritional and metabolic problems; infections; animal health emergencies; hepatic diseases and other diseases such as Marek’s, Gumboro, etc.; water lines and water quality; production objectives; lighting; vaccines and so on. I just picked a few, but it is a pretty long and comprehensive list of subjects that should not be missed by people working in the field.
What I like about this program is the fact that it can be adapted to the needs of the egg production expert, it covers everything by professionals that are very well known in Latin America and the world, and provides international recognition.
In a region where eggs play a very important role in human nutrition, with countries showing very high per capita consumption rates, it is a must to be updated. This is definitely an opportunity for professionals in the field.
What do you think?