Aviagen and Vano host joint poultry seminar

Aviagen demonstrated its strong commitment to theIraqi market at a seminar held recently in Antalya, Turkey, for customers ofthe Ross distributor in Iraq, Vano Group. The seminar, organised by Aviagenand Vano Group collaboratively, was named ‘Momentum 2014’ and focused on thetheme “Towards a Profitable Poultry Industry.”

Aviagen demonstrated its strong commitment to the Iraqi market at a seminar held recently in Antalya, Turkey, for customers of the Ross distributor in Iraq, Vano Group. The seminar, organized by Aviagen and Vano Group collaboratively, was named "Momentum 2014" and focused on the theme “Towards a Profitable Poultry Industry.”

Around 70 delegates from across Iraq and the Kurdish Regional Government (KGR), representing over 90 percent of the poultry market in those countries, attended the three-day seminar. This was the largest gathering of poultry industry members to date and included delegates from the Iraq Ministry of Agriculture, Vet Service, as well as the Iraq Central Board of Investment and Poultry Project Planning.

The seminar included presentations from Neil Clark, Aviagen regional technical manager, and Pavel Shkarlat, Aviagen veterinarian, on Ross 308 and tackling Newcastle disease, respectively. Other notable presentations from Vano Group included Harith Ibrahim, customer service manager, presenting on “Critical Points in Rearing Management” and from Ahmad Nawar, GP hatchery manager, on “Best Hatchery Practices.”  Lohmann Tierzucht and Ceva speakers also attended the event. 

The seminar was specifically geared towards helping Iraqi customers obtain the utmost performance from their Ross 308 birds and allowed customers the opportunity to discuss commercial and technical matters with the Ross team.

John Maguire, Ross sales manager for the Middle East and Africa, said: “The Iraqi market is a hugely important one to Aviagen and we are dedicated to providing the utmost support, whether it’s commercial or technical, to our customers in the region. We were delighted with the response from customers to the seminar, with those attending appreciating the level of information and expertise we can offer.”

Dieyar Kakel, Vano Group CEO, commented: “We were thrilled to organize the seminar in collaboration with Aviagen and the strength and depth of the speakers we had, all addressing vital topics for our customers, proved what an important occasion this is.”

The first day of the seminar began with Clark’s presentation, followed by further talks from invited guest speakers on critical points in rearing management, avian influenza H9N2 and trace minerals optimizing poultry production performance. The second day included presentations on vectormune ND vaccine, best hatchery practices and optimal management in rearing.

Day three rounded off proceedings with a presentation on ventilation in poultry houses and a summary of the two previous days before some free time was allotted to delegates to enjoy a sightseeing tour of Antalya.

The seminar was also used by Rasun to launch its new logo.

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