Former poultry science department head at Auburn passes away

The Alabama poultry industry and the Auburn Department of Poultry Science have lost a true pioneer and visionary. Dr. Bob Brewer, Professor and Department Head Emeritus, passed away on May 10.

The Alabama poultry industry and the Auburn Department of Poultry Science have lost a true pioneer and visionary. Dr. Bob Brewer, Professor and Department Head Emeritus, passed away last week.

Brewer joined the department in 1969 and served as department head from 1987 until his retirement in 2000. As a researcher, he helped advance the control of parasites in commercial poultry, improved energy management in broiler houses and contributed to the best management practices for modern broiler production. Under his leadership, the department’s student enrollment significantly increased, and many of the students he recruited are now key industry leaders. Brewer was instrumental in establishing new scholarship endowments, which has had a lasting impact.

Today, more than 40 poultry science students are receiving scholarships from these endowments. He also led efforts to significantly improve the department’s facilities, including significant expansion of farm facilities in the late 1980s. Brewer’s crowning achievement was the Poultry Science Building, cutting-edge research, classroom and laboratory facility located on the Auburn campus.

While the Poultry Science Building was dedicated in 2005, the vision for such a facility was cast by Brewer in the early 1990s. He worked tirelessly for over a decade to make the Poultry Science Building a reality. Brewer partnered with Alabama poultry industry leaders, Auburn administrators and government agencies to develop the concept, secure funding and finally construct the Poultry Science Building. It is clearly recognized that Brewer was the driver of this building project, and his motivation was not for himself, but for the poultry industry.

Brewer has truly left a strong legacy that will serve to advance Alabama agriculture well into the future. He was a member of the Alabama Poultry Hall of Fame and a member of the Auburn University Agricultural Alumni Association Hall of Honor.

Memorial donations may be made to: Dr. Robert N. Brewer Scholarship Fund, c/o Alabama Poultry Foundation, P.O. Box 240, Montgomery, AL  36101

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