Oman government proposes $258.9 million poultry project

Oman government proposes $258.9 million poultry project

From WATTAgNet:

The government of Oman is planning to set up a major poultry project with a capital investment of OMR100 million (US$258.9 million) and is seeking financial support from the private sector.

Promoted by the state-owned Oman Food Investment, the new poultry industry development is part of the country's initiative to attain self-sufficiency in poultry meat production, the Times of Oman reported.

As part of this initiative, Oman Food Investment has invited country's largest integrated poultry company, A'Saffa Foods, to purchase a 20 percent stake in the proposed project. According to the report, the company has agreed to take a stake in the proposed OMR50 million (US$129.45 million) joint venture firm that will process poultry meat.

A location for the proposed poultry project has not yet been established. However, the Oman government has placed two of three possible locations for the project on a short list, with the final choice of a location to be determined soon.

The board for A'Saffa Foods has also approved another endeavor that will add to its growth. The company recently approved a proposal to set up a facility to manufacture organic waste and fertilizer production that is has obtained from residue of poultry farms.

Oman considers $258.91m poultry project

The government of Oman is planning to set up a major poultry project with a capital investment of OMR100m ($258.91m), seeking support from the private sector. As part of this, Oman Food Investment has invited country's largest integrated poultry project, A'Saffa Foods, to purchase 20% stake in the proposed project.
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