WEBINAR: Why biosecurity is the best poultry health management tool

Learn how new techniques in hatchery management will allow greater control over embryonic growth to influence hatch and chick uniformity.

Dec 5th, 2021
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WATT Poultry webinar logoWatch on demand now to learn best practices for daily biosecurity procedures on your poultry operations.

It is best practice to develop daily biosecurity procedures on poultry operations to help reduce the possibility of introducing infectious diseases such as Avian Influenza and Exotic Newcastle and others. The introduction of a highly pathogenic, contagious disease organism into poultry flocks could result in serious economic consequences for producers. The effectiveness of a biosecurity program can be optimized by participation at all levels. NAE production programs cannot be successful without a sound poultry biosecurity program. The result of cutting corners on a poultry biosecurity program can allow for the entry of pathogens into poultry operations. The featured speaker will be Dr. Algis Martinez, Global Veterinary Services at Cobb Vantress Inc. Boehringer Ingelheim


  1. Learn how poor ventilation systems can affect the respiratory tract of birds and make them more susceptible to bacterial and viral infections.
  2. Practice effective rodent and insect control programs to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading a disease within the operation
  3. Learn more about why no pets such as dogs, cats or other animals should be allowed to enter into poultry houses.
  4. Gain insight on why those who have contact with birds though all stages of the poultry process should practice enhanced biosecurity procedures.

This webinar is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim and presented by WATTPoultry and WATT Global Media.


Speaker Info:

Algis MartinezDr. Algis Martinez, Global Veterinary Services at Cobb Vantress Inc.

Dr. Algis Martinez is a board certified veterinarian by the American College of Poultry Veterinarians, and a member of the American Association of Avian Pathologists, and American Veterinary Medical Association. He joined Cobb in 2002 to help with internal health programs as well as providing external Veterinary Services as a member of the World Technical Support Team. Dr. Martinez has authored  more than 30 publications in scientific journals and poultry magazines and given more than 300 presentations and expert advice on poultry production and poultry health in more than 60 countries.

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