Philippines feed production falls

Lower production in 2009 due to cuts in animal population

The Philippines produced less feed in 2009 because of a drop in livestock numbers from disease and typhoons, according to the The Philippine Star. It estimated that total feed production for the year was 5.5 million metric tons. Less demand also meant a 15% to 20% drop in feed prices.

The Philippines imported 1.1 million metric tons of soybean meal in 2009, compared to 1.6 million metric tons in 2008. Total weight for feed wheat imports was also 1.1 million metric tons, but this was an increase from 2008 as mills looked for a cheaper alternative to domestic corn. Imported feed wheat was less than a third of the price of corn, according to The Philippine Star.

The newspaper reported that 60% of the country’s feed goes to swine and 20% to poultry, with the remaining share split among aquaculture, goats, fighting cocks and other specialty animals.

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