, a free online resource for the animal feed industry, has been updated with a range of new features and content, including videos from the second International Phytase Summit, a live Twitter feed and a new expert to ask about phytate and phytase application.
Proceedings from the first International Phytase Summit held in 2010 have been published as well as selected videos from the second summit relating to phytate synthesis and breakdown, the global cost of phytate, superdosing and comparing commercial phytases. Visitors to the site can now follow on Twitter @Phytateinfo to get details of the latest research findings and news on phytate and phytase.
AB Vista Technical Manager Dr. Pete Wilcock has joined the website's panel of research and technical specialists to answer any questions about the anti-nutrient effects of phytate and how applying phytase can improve performance and reduce costs. After queries have been submitted online, the panel will feed back a response within seven days. The service is free of charge and completely confidential.
Dr. Mike Bedford, research director at AB Vista, said: "Phytate is present in many plant-based feedstuffs, but its anti-nutritional effects cost animal producers up to $2 billion every year. By continually updating with new resources, content and services, we aim to better inform the animal feed industry about phytate and how it can be eliminated through phytase application."