Butterball employees give back to their communities

Butterball employees give back to their communities.

At the 2023 Butterball  national meeting, over 60 sales and marketing team members enjoyed the opportunity to give back to the communities where they work and reside. Over 27,000 meals were packed for the Food Bank of Central & Eastern North Carolina, and care packages and backpacks were filled with essentials for a Durham, North Carolina, women’s shelter and the Mount Olive, North Carolina, school district. First responders who support Butterball facilities in Huntsville, Jonesboro and Ozark, Arkansas, and Carthage, Missouri, were sent hand-written thank you cards and Walmart gift cards. 

“It was heartwarming to see our team members so enthusiastic to give back to our local communities,” said CEO Jay Jandrain. “Our national business meeting is a marathon event. Taking the time to step back from the day to day and focus on stewardship provided us the opportunity to reenergize and emphasize the importance of supporting the local communities that support us.”

Butterball employees nearly 6,500 people in its home state of North Carolinabutterball.com and in Arkansas and Missouri. Team members across the organization are encouraged to identify ways Butterball can give back locally.   

“Our people are our greatest asset,” said Jandrain. “Their dedication to making meaningful contributions to their communities is just one of the many ways we serve our company’s purpose to help people pass love on. I’m proud of the team’s generous spirit at the national meeting and look forward to additional giving opportunities this year.”



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