Open Chute Box DumperFlexicon Corp Request More Info Fill out the form below to request more information about Open Chute Box DumperMore From Flexicon CorpFlexicon Twin BEV-CON Flexible Screw Conveyor systemFlexicon BFF Series Bulk Bag DischargerPlantwide Weigh Batching SystemWeighs up to seven major ingredients and unlimited minor ingredientsFlexicon Corp Dual-arch Bulk Bag ConditionerAccess PlatformsModular antislip access platforms with elevations up to 96 inchesBULK-OUT BFF Series DischargerAllows dust-free discharging of bulk solid materialsBulk Bag DischargerFlexicon combination bulk bag/drum fillerA new low-profile combination bulk bag/drum filler from Flexicon allows filling of bulk bags and drums in low-headroom areas.Combination Bulk Bag/Drum FillerTIP-TITE with Safety CageFor hands-free, automated dumping of bulk solid materials from 30- to 55-gallon drumsBulk Bag Filler Renamed 68Sanitary Bulk Bag Conditioner