Wayne-Sanderson complex gets ‘recovery friendly’ award

The company’s complex in Dobson, North Carolina, honored for giving opportunities to former inmates and helping them establish healthy lifestyle patterns to avoid future incarceration.

Wayne Sanderson Recovery Honor
Courtesy Wayne-Sanderson Farms

Wayne-Sanderson Farmscomplex in Dobson, North Carolina, was recently named the “2024 Recovery Friendly Workplace of the Year” in recognition of its partnership with Surry County’s Office of Substance Abuse Recovery.

The county’s nationally-recognized workforce reentry program melds local businesses, law enforcement and corrections officials to help former inmates find employment and establish healthy lifestyle patterns to avoid future incarceration.

Company representatives accepted the honor during a recent Surry County Recovery Friendly Workplace Program luncheon and panel discussion with local business leaders discussing local workforce challenges. Program director Emily Venable-Schiff presented the award to Wayne-Sanderson Farms Dobson Complex Manager Matthew Wooten, noting the company’s ongoing commitment to the program from the beginning.

Wayne-Sanderson Farms was the first company we discussed the idea with, and Matthew Wooten was immediately on board,” said Venable-Schiff. “Our office works directly with Wayne-Sanderson’s human resource managers to ensure the right candidate is matched with the right position, providing a supervised ‘second chance’ to participants.”

Applicants are vetted, counseled and must go through Surry County Community College’s Employable Skills Workshop certification before being considered for a position. Once selected for the program, Venable-Schiff and her team help them prepare to be “job ready” with the skills and attitude necessary for their second chance.

“The program is a three-way partnership between us, the county and the participants to create a structure of accountability and training to help them get back on their feet,” said Wooten. “We provide the environment and support, and the participants work hard to be responsible and make necessary lifestyle changes for longterm success.”

Wooten first heard about plans to start the reentry program in an effort to stem recidivism and reincarceration several years ago, and initiated contact with the Surry County Office of Substance Abuse and Sheriff Steve Hiatt to get involved. Since then, the program has grown from a handful of participants at Wayne-Sanderson Farms facilities to a county-wide initiative with several companies throughout the area. County program managers credit Wayne-Sanderson Farms with jump-starting what has become one of North Carolina’s most successful substance abuse programs.

“To date, we have placed about a dozen program participants in a variety of jobs from production and maintenance to pallet drivers and shipping,” said Wooten. “We have added several valuable members to our team, and are proud to be part of their success.”

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