Uvesa Group renews food safety certifications

Processing plants now guaranteeing high standards

The processing plant in Burgos, which recently started its activity, obtains for the first time the IFS Food certificate with Higher Level qualification. Málaga, Cuéllar, Tudela and Milagro maintain these seals that guarantee the food safety of processes and products. This is a consolidated recognition at world level in the sector.

Almost all processing plants in the UVESA Group, except Rafelbunyol, to be audited in unannounced mode between July 19 and November 7, have renewed their food safety certifications IFS Food (International Food Standard) and / or BRC (British Retail Consortium) in the first half of this year. In addition, on June 8, the Burgos processing plant, whose activity has recently recovered, obtained the IFS Food certificate for the first time. Both seals accredit the highest standards of quality and food safety in the production of its products. To obtain them, it is necessary to carry out an audit in which the plant and its production processes are compared against all the specified requirements established in both the IFS FOOD version 7 standard and the BRCGS edition 8 standard, in order to assess the degree of compliance of the products and production processes. It should be noted that in the cases of Malaga, Cuellar and Tudela the audits were carried out between January and February 2023 in unannounced mode.

According to Myriam Bujalance, director of quality and food safety at Grupo UVESA, these certifications, “help to have external recognition of the work we do in the company on issues related to quality, food safety, environment, animal welfare…For customers it is our letter of introduction to start projects with them and for end consumers a guarantee in the product they buy. For all these reasons, we need the involvement and work of everyone to achieve them, and the most difficult thing, to maintain them”. The Navarrese company also has ISO 14001 environmental certification in the Malaga, Rafelbunyol and Tudela plants; optional mentions and private product specifications in the Cuellar, Rafelbunyol and Tudela plants; SAE certification (Specific Self-Control System for Exports) at the Cuéllar, Málaga, Milagro, Rafelbunyol and Tudela plants; and the Welfare Quality seal (Animal Welfare) at the Uvesa Group’s poultry and pork integrations and at the Cuéllar, Málaga, Milagro, Rafelbunyol and Tudela plants.










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