Webinar: Control infectious bronchitis with heterotypic strategy

This webinar will explain how to keep variant strains of infectious bronchitis away from your flocks and controlling Infectious Bronchitis in poultry with right vaccine regime.

Apr 22nd, 2018
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Boehringer Ingelheim webinar logoWatch on-demand now to learn how to keep variant strains of infectious bronchitis away from your flocks, click here. 

Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) is one of the main viral diseases affecting the poultry industry globally. The causative agent is a poultry coronavirus which is able to evolve genetically and produce new viruses called variants. It is not possible to quickly develop and license new IBV vaccines each time mutation or recombination occurs to viruses. This wide variety of genotypes and constantly emerging new variants require vaccination programs that provide reliable and continued cross protection against IBV. 



  1. How to keep variant strains of infectious bronchitis away from your flocks and controlling Infectious Bronchitis in poultry with right vaccine regime.
  2. New infectious bronchitis strains require poultry producers to work smarter, not harder.
  3. Poultry veterinarians worldwide can prescribe safe and effective vaccination programs against infectious bronchitis to chicken flocks, whether broilers, breeders or layers.

This webinar is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim and presented by WATT Global Media.


Speaker Info:

Stephane Lemiere headshotDr. Stephane Lemiere, global head at Boehringer Ingelheim 

Dr. Stephane Lemiere is a doctor in Veterinary Medicine recognized specialist in poultry pathology.  Member of the American Association of Avian Pathologists, the French Branch of the World Veterinary Poultry Association, the World Poultry Science Association Course Master Broiler Chicken Production WVEPAH. Boehringer Ingelheim Global Head, Technical Services, Lyon, France Leading the Global Poultry Veterinary Technical Services group.


JJ De Wit_ headshotDr. J.J. (Sjaak) de Wit, senior scientist at GD Animal Health, Deventer

J.J. (Sjaak) de Wit holds a DVM and a PhD from the University of Utrecht and a Specialty in Poultry Health by the Royal Dutch Association of Veterinarians. He is Diplomat of the ECPVS (2008), member of the Hall of Honor of the WVPA and board member of ECVPS. Sjaak has worked as Poultry Veterinarian, Immunologist and Researcher. He is currently Senior Scientist at GD Animal Health, Deventer, the Netherlands. He is also responsible for the technical quality of the poultry serology at GD. Sjaak's field of research is in applied virology (IBV, IBDV and several other avian viruses).  He has published over 60 papers and several book chapters. He also serves as Associate Editor of Avian Pathology.


Dr. Guillermo Zavala is the founder of Avian Health International.  Dr Zavala holds a DVM and a specialty in poultry production from the University of Mexico; a Master of Science, a Master of Avian Medicine, and a PhD in medical microbiology from the University of Georgia. He has worked in broiler and breeding companies, vaccine companies, one diagnostic laboratory, two academic institutions and as Adjunct Professor at the Department of Population Health, University of Georgia. His field of research is in applied virology (CIAV, IBDV, tumor viruses, ILT, enteric viruses and fowl adenovirus). He has 32 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

This is the third webinar in the 2016 Poultry Grower Webinar Series. 
This is the third webinar in the 2016 Poultry Grower Webinar Series. 
This is the third webinar in the 2016 Poultry Grower Webinar Series. 
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