2 Minnesota turkey operations struck by avian flu

APHIS confirms presence of avian influenza in flocks in the counties of Redwood and Steele.

Roy Graber Headshot
Turkey Head
Valber Cortez | Freeimages.com

Two additional commercial turkey farms have been hit by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) the larger of the two farms was in Steele County and involved 48,100 meat turkeys. The other was in Redwood County, and involved 18,500 meat turkeys.

Both cases were confirmed on November 9.

With these two new cases, Minnesota has now lost 95 commercial poultry flocks during the 2022-23 outbreak. Of those, 14 were confirmed in 2023.

However, this is only the second farm in Redwood County to have been affected during the past two years and only the first instance of HPAI in Steele County.

Prior to these most recent cases, the last time HPAI was confirmed in a commercial poultry flock in Minnesota was November 3, when a commercial egg laying operation in Wright County with 940,000 hens was affected.

View our continuing coverage of the global avian influenza situation

To learn more about HPAI cases in commercial poultry flocks in the United States, Mexico and Canada, see an interactive map on WATTPoultry.com.         

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