Truffle Asset Management now owns 10.5% of Astral Foods

The South African firm has approximately ZAR84 billion worth of assets under its management.

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Rand South Africa
rowanpatrick88 | Bigstock

Astral Foods disclosed that 10.48% of the company’s ordinary shares are now owned by South African firm Truffle Asset Management.

The company announced the recent transaction through a securities notice, which can be seen on the Astral Foods website.

“The board of directors of Astral Foods (“Board”) accepts responsibility for the information contained in this announcement and confirms that, to the best of their knowledge and belief, such information is true and this announcement does not omit anything likely to affect the importance of such information. The Board has relied on the accuracy of the information contained in the notification received from Truffle in making this statement,” the notice read.

Truffle Asset Management, according to its website, formed in 2008 with the intent to “achieve long-term investment success” for its clients. The firm has approximately ZAR84 billion (US$4.8 billion) worth of assets under its management.

Astral Foods, according to information from the Top Poultry Companies Database, is the largest poultry producer in Africa, having slaughtered 290 million broilers during the past year. The company’s shares are traded on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange under the ticker ARL.

Astral Foods recently announced that its CEO, Chris Schutte, intends to retire in 2025. He had been with Astral Foods since 2002 and had been the CEO since 2010.

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