Zucami Poultry Equipment

Beriain-Navarra 31191

Company Overview
Polígono Morea Norte Calle C, Nº2
Beriain-Navarra 31191
Zucami is specialized in complete systems for poultry. Batteries enriched according to the European standard. Design enrichment systems for excellent production and optimal care of the birds to achieve the maximum animal welfare during production cycle. Result of the experience throughout Europe with enriched Zucami batteries offers the best solutions in all its models KLEINVOLIERE and MEC. New battery system for broilers: clean and easy with excellent conversions and results. Also, Zucami has the exclusive patent of Seconov drying system. The drying process allows to dry the manure in a 24-hour with percentages of 80% dry matter. Best quality and richness in all our final products.
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