Probiotics and enzymes for monogastrics

Probiotics and enzymes for monogastrics

Solutions for Improving Monogastric Gut & Immune Health.

Brand Insights from Enzyme Innovation

Do Single Enzymes Work for Monogastric Feed?

The nutritional balance of your feed may be right, but does it matter if the animals can’t benefit from it? To maximize performance and the margin of return with monogastrics, it’s vital the animals are able to break down the food they’re consuming and get the nutrients they need. The industry standard of adding single enzyme products to feed yields mixed results. 

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The Protein Buster

Complete digestion of protein is a key to animal health, weight gain and profitability. A strong protease blend makes all the difference. 

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Are Probiotics the Answer to AGPs? Watch for Study Results

Health challenges in monogastrics can devastate a farm. Whether related to poor digestion, stress, a negative reaction to feed, or encountering harmful pathogens, poor gut health is damaging to performance. Probiotics can support gut and immune health in monogastrics.

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The Immune Boosting Power of Proteases 

Starter birds traveling from the hatchery to the farm through various microenvironments become susceptible to enteric infections like E.coli, Salmonella, Dysentery, Coccidia and Clostridium. 

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