The nation's largest regional poultry convention, the annual Midwest Poultry Federation Convention, will be held March 12-14, 2013, at the Saint Paul RiverCentre in Saint Paul, Minn. Attendees at this year’s convention can expect approximately 392 booths in the main exhibit hall and the adjacent Roy Wilkins Exhibit Hall, which has expanded from its debut at the 2012 show.
Participants from all segments of the poultry industry—egg layer, broiler, turkey and organic and specialty poultry production—will be present to showcase all the latest products, services and technologies the industry has to offer, with opportunities for both learning and conducting business.
New this year
New this year, on Thursday, March 14, and Friday, March 15, the American Egg Board will hold a special speaker training for egg farmers who want to educate their local community about the farm-to-table process for eggs and modern agriculture.
There is no registration cost for the workshop, but space is limited. Visit the workshop's website for more details.
Educational programs
The convention will include a full educational program featuring 11 workshops and nearly 40 speakers from across the country, covering the latest information and research. Among the topics to be presented include egg layer housing performance and environmental impact, Newcastle disease, light turkey syndrome, Salmonella, coccidiosis, poultry barn ventilation, and poultry litter.
The convention kicks off on March 12 with a Pre-Show Nutrition and Poultry Health Symposium and the annual Midwest Poultry Federation Welcome Reception. Also bringing attendees to the convention early will be the North Central Avian Disease Conference and the Organic Egg Farmers of America Symposium. A separate registration fee applies for these two events.
For more information on the Midwest Poultry Federation Convention, to view a full educational schedule or to receive registration and hotel reservation information, visit the convention's website.