India's National Egg Coordination Committee

India’s National Egg Coordination Committee was registered in 1982 and, with a membership of 25,000 producers, claims to be the largest association of poultry farmers in the world. The organization functions via a three-tier structure.

India’s National Egg Coordination Committee was registered in 1982 and, with a membership of 25,000 producers, claims to be the largest association of poultry farmers in the world.

The organization functions via a three-tier structure. It has an executive committee, comprising 17 members elected by the committee’s founding members, and the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the zonal committees. There are 24 zonal committees, which function at the major egg production and consumption centers, and 125 local committees.

Among India’s National Egg Coordination Committee’s activities is price-setting. However, the body has no statutory authority to enforce prices. Additionally, it monitors egg stocks in various production centers and regulates the movement of stocks from surplus to deficit regions. The association works with trade promotion concern Agrocorpex Ltd.

The committee strives to unite poultry farmers across the country, creating a dependable distribution network so that eggs can reach every household. It also notes that it aims to generate employment by encouraging people to take up egg farming and trading.

The committee seeks to make available the latest technology and information to help increase egg production, is active in market research and produces the monthly National Egg Coordination Committee Review.

The body engages in advertising with the aim of consumer education and has undertaken promotion campaigns to dispel myths surrounding eggs.

The committee is a not-for-profit organization and is funded via contributions rather than membership fees. Working with the government and banks, the National Egg Coordination Committee seeks support and financial aid for rural projects and prepares position for the government on issues affecting the industry.

The group also actively supports the export trade in eggs from India.

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