The latest poultry, egg innovations from Innov’Space

Innov’Space, the showcase for innovations in animal agriculture at trade show SPACE, once again recognized new technologies for poultry meat and egg producers.

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As part of French trade show SPACE, the Innov’Space awards recognize the best innovations among products and services for animal agriculture. This year, there were 108 submissions to the innovation awards and 35 were recognized under using the awards’ star ranking.

Of the products that were recognized, six were exclusively for use in poultry meat or egg production, with one receiving the highest recognition of three stars

Three stars

Aspicomfort is an automatic poultry semen collector from IMV Technologies. Developed with poultry breeding professionals, it helps to facilitate and improve the working conditions of poultry semen collectors.

During semen collection, workers will now be possible to wear a mask, there will be no more bad smells and no more risk of having semen in the mouth. Samples are taken with 5-, or 10-ml, ampoules or a 13-ml tube. The device can be worn directly on the waist or chest with the harness provided, or attached to a railing with the fixing rings.

There are two modes of operation, a timer mode, which is equivalent to automatic mode and a pulse mode, which is equivalent to manual mode. Aspicomfort provides the improved sanitary safety that is essential in poultry farms, its creators say. Improved working conditions and ease of use and cleaning also facilitate recruitment into the sector, the company adds.

Imvtechnologies Aspicomfort

Aspicomfort makes the collection of turkey semen easier and more comfortable for workers. (Courtesy IMV Technologies)

One star

BH21 indirect internal combustion heating from BHF, is specifically designed for poultry farming. Combustion occurs in stainless steel pipes around which air circulates. Being made from stainless steel and due to the spacing between its piples, the system is long-lasting and easy to clean.

Heat can be precisely altered to suit birds’ needs and, with slow speed fan adjustment, produces little noise. A temperature sensor measures the air leaving the heater and controls supply to the fam. Heat is distributed at low level within the poultry house and there are eight adjustable diffusers. There are no CO2 or humidity emissions. The fan can be used independently from the heating system.

The DARTHOS VACCINATION TABLE from Labadie Developpement is a raiseable vaccination table that helps to address animal welfare demands. With high capacity, the table aids in the automatic loading and lifting of poultry up to operators during vaccination, debeaking, and de-clawing. Made of a stainless robust material, the table can be easily moved, taken apart, washed and disinfected and is suitable for all types of poultry.

The product is said to be less stressful and more comfortable for birds, eliminating crowding and sweating, while also offering labor efficiencies due to increased workflow.

 ECOMET, a unique combination of plant extracts, raw materials and specially selected vitamins, from Provimi Cargill, was granted one star in this year’s Innov’Space. Incorporated into poultry feed, Ecomet reduces the use of protein raw materials, including soybean meal, and maintains egg-laying performance. Ecomet has been tested and validated by three zootechnical tests in poultry where the effect “methionine equivalence” has been proven and demonstrated, its developers say.

From January 2022, a new European Union regulation on organic feed for laying hens will require the use of organic agriculture raw materials to increase from 95% to 100%. Methionine is one of the most constrained amino acids and is difficult to obtain in organic form.

INEVO highly digestible oil-protein seeds, from Valorex-INRAE, contain a variety of linseed particularly suitable for poultry. Valorex’s linseeds are subjected to a patented mechanical process, developed in partnership with INRAE, which improves the seeds’ nutritional value in terms of metabolizable energy, which can increase by up to 25%, and digestible amino acids, which can increase by up to 40%.

The product can help improve poultry’s sustainability and performance.

The SAM’OCCULTA poultry house window from Sarl Sam Agri has been developed to comply with 3% natural light regulations in agricultural buildings. The easy to install monobloc window uses SAM Agri’s rotating slats system for indirect natural lighting management.

The unit contains an isolated, argon-filled glass panel housed in a recycled resin frame resistant to UV. The Sam’Occult provides 0.53m2 of natural light and can be installed either one above the other or side by side.

Three stars - multispecies

The application REPLACE. ME, from Advential, is an app for PCs and smartphones that allows farmers to set tasks for, monitor and communicate with temporary workers. Designed for use when farmers are absent yet need to ensure the farm continues to function properly, its features include task setting forms, chat and video functions.

Adventiel Replaceme

Designed for use across farm types, Replace.Me is a staff management tool designed to facilitate remote staff management. (Courtesy) Advential)

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