Last week, my colleague Deven King wrote a blog about a call from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) to feminists who consume eggs to not do so, because of the alleged abuse suffered by female birds, and for solidarity with their peers.
PETA argues that egg production (as well as milk production) is based on sexual exploitation. My impression is that they do not quite know that the egg is an ovule (an egg), that occurs naturally, whether we eat it or not. Milk is a fluid that also occurs naturally, whether we drink it or not. Isn’t it?
They say we force laying hens to produce. That is, we force them because we feed them with a nutritious feed, we provide them with clean water, we vaccinate them, and so on. In addition, they say we cause a series of disorders, such as osteoporosis and tumors. They ignore that natural aging would also cause these things.
In this call, they equate egg production with women's reproductive and fertility rights and that a woman who fights for this, cannot call herself a feminist if she eats eggs. And at the end of the string, they claim that we all have "to fight the systematic abuse of females of all species." What does one thing have to do with the other? Its publication coincides with International Women's Day. That is pure and plain marketing.
The other day, I read an article in Spanish newspaper El País about the flat-Earthers, those who despite having studied the Solar System and the planets in school, firmly believe that Earth is flat. What surprised me is the "rejection of science and experts, Manichean narratives that explain complex things in times of uncertainty, enthronement of one self's opinion above all, disregard for arguments that are contradictory, dissemination of lies thanks to social media algorithms.” The same is in the case of animal production.
As Deven wrote, “In a time when organizations like PETA have mastered their marketing campaigns to target the digitally advanced generations, it is more important than ever for the livestock industry to fight back and better educate the generation making buying decisions.” I would also add the need to get the industry protected or shielded.
I have said this before: In a time when people are so urbanized and so far from the countryside that they do not have the foggiest idea of what a production farm is, we need to act and we need to educate. Maybe we also need to change and certainly see the livestock industry with different eyes that are maybe a little more human.
What do you think?