WEBINAR: Facts about Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza spread and control

Learn how the spread of AI viruses from farm to farm is mainly by the mechanical transfer of infective manure.

May 25th, 2022
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WATT Poultry webinar logoWatch on demand now to learn how the spread of AI viruses from farm to farm is mainly by the mechanical transfer of infective manure.

While Avian Influenza can affect all species of birds, in intensive poultry rearing systems, young laying hens are usually the most affected species. Free-living birds may carry the influenza virus without becoming ill due to natural resistance. It is known that wild waterfowl present a natural reservoir for these viruses and can be Boehringer webinar logoresponsible for the primary introduction of infection into domestic poultry. With the recent outbreaks across the globe, bird flu is a very serious and ongoing concern for the poultry industry. However, the general population’s worries about the disease are often misplaced. Featured speakers include Dr. David E. Swayne, DVM, Ph.D., DACVP, DACPV, Laboratory Director at the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, US National Poultry Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, USDA., and Dr. Stephane Lemiere, DVM, Global Head, Technical Services, Boehringer Ingelheim.


  1. Discover how the spread of AI viruses from farm to farm is mainly by the mechanical transfer of infective manure.
  2. Understand how to date, only viruses for H5 and H7 subtypes have been shown to cause HPAI in susceptible species.
  3. Direct contact between wild birds and poultry is not always necessary for the introduction of viruses into poultry farms. Learn other ways it is being transmitted.
  4. Uncover how avian influenza virus subtypes of low pathogenicity can mutate to highly pathogenic virus strains.

This webinar is sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim and presented by WATTPoultry and WATT Global Media.


Speaker Info:

David SwayneDr. David E. Swayne, DVM, Ph.D., DACVP, DACPV, Laboratory Director at the Southeast Poultry Research Laboratory, US National Poultry Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, USDA

Dr. David E. Swayne is the Laboratory Director (1994-present) of U.S. Department of Agriculture’s in house high biocontainment laboratory for poultry health research. He has a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine (University of Missouri, 1984), M.Sc. in Veterinary Pathology (University of Missouri, 1984), a PhD in Veterinary Pathology (University of Georgia, 1987), and is a board certified in Veterinary Pathology and as a Poultry Veterinarian. For past 31 years, his personal research has focused on pathobiology and control of avian influenza in poultry. Dr. Swayne has served on World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) committees to update the Avian Influenza chapters in Terrestrial Animal Health Code and Manual, and completed a 16 month sabbatical at OIE to study global highly pathogenic avian influenza control programs. He served as chair for the World Health Organization committee to update the Research Agenda for Zoonotic Influenza. He currently serves as Chair of the Executive Committee for OFFLU, the joint OIE/FAO Animal Influenza Network. He has participated in missions or conferences on avian influenza control and biosafety/biosecurity in 51 countries during the past 24 years. He has published over 319 peer-reviewed papers and 104 book chapters on poultry health issues, principally avian influenza and other emerging viral diseases, and has given 307 invited presentations on poultry health issues. He is the editor of the textbook, Avian Influenza (Wiley, 2008); Associate Editor (11th edition, 2003; 12th edition, 2008) and Editor-in-Chief (13th edition, 2013; 14th edition, 2019) of Diseases of Poultry (Wiley); Editor of Animal Influenza (Wiley, 2017), Avian Section Editor of Fenner’s Veterinary Virology (4th edition, 2011, and 5th edition, 2017); and Poultry Editor for Merck Veterinary Manual (2017-2020). He is on the editorial board of Avian Diseases, and is an Associate Editor for Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses. He has also served as an Associate Editor and Advisor for Avian Pathology and Associate Editor for Veterinary Pathology. Formerly, he served as a tenured faculty member in the College of Veterinary Medicine, The Ohio State University.


Stephane LemiereDr. Stephane Lemiere, DVM, Global Head at Boehringer Ingelheim 

Dr. Stephane Lemiere is a doctor in Veterinary Medicine recognized specialist in poultry pathology.  Member of the American Association of Avian Pathologists, the French Branch of the World Veterinary Poultry Association, the World Poultry Science Association Course Master Broiler Chicken Production WVEPAH. Boehringer Ingelheim Global Head, Technical Services, Lyon, France Leading the Global Poultry Veterinary Technical Services group.

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