Bruce Scherr has retired as Informa Economics' CEO and chairman of the board, effective July 1. Scherr will assume an emeritus role, while Informa Economics President and Chief Operating Officer Tom Scott assumes the position of CEO.
In his emeritus position, Scherr will continue to work with Informa Economics on a consulting basis with his work concentrating on market and economic analysis and outlook as well as business development and related strategic, tactical and risk management consulting for the Informa Economics client base.
Bruce Scherr has served Informa Economics for 27 years
Scherr has been with Informa Economics (formerly Sparks Companies) since 1987 (for 27 of the company’s 37-year history), serving in several executive capacities. During his tenure, his leadership expanded the firm’s scope from its core grain and livestock production and analysis research base to also include global business consulting, agricultural policy analysis, farmer marketing and price risk management advisory services, and education and training programs.
Tom Scott offers experience, leadership capabilities
“Informa Economics is best described as a combination of great people and great worldwide clients and, under the very capable leadership of Tom Scott, the firm will continue to expand its influence via unmatched information services and consultation,” said Scherr. He added, “I have been honored to lead this organization for many years and I am confident that Tom and the Informa team will build the business ever more so as they help global agriculture and food interests seize the unprecedented opportunities ahead and manage their related risks.”
Scott has been with Informa Economics for 25 years, having held the position of president and chief operating officer for the last six years. Over the last two years, in particular, Scott has expanded the company’s proprietary and highly successful U.S. model for crop acreage and production survey estimation to now include Canada and Brazil and also survey work with affiliate companies AGRO TECEI (Argentina) and Agriwatch (India). In addition, Scott has worked to enhance the company’s quality of information and data collection through the company’s affiliate relationships with the Australian Crop Forecasters/NZX Agri (Australia), Polyresources International (China), SovEcon (Russia), and Seres International Agribusiness Consulting (Turkey).
Prior to being the company’s President and COO, Scott was head of the company’s project consulting group with specialized work including business strategy, agribusiness economic development, and feasibility and site selection work. He began his career with the company’s crops group where he played a major role in the development of the firm’s transportation research and market analyses services. In addition to work in North America, Scott has extensive experience in the agribusiness sectors of Central Europe, Southeast Asia and South America. He also has been intricately involved in many training programs developed and delivered by Informa Economics.
“I am extremely honored and excited with the opportunity to lead Informa Economics during this period of unprecedented opportunity,” said Scott. “Our deep thanks goes out to Bruce for his strong leadership and the role he played in the growth and development of Informa Economics and we look forward to working with Bruce in his new role. The team at Informa Economics will continue to build on the foundation Bruce helped develop to grow Informa Economics as a premier, world leader in comprehensive agriculture, food industry, agribusiness and transportation research, information, analysis and consulting. Our goal has been and will continue to establish ourselves as an indispensable resource and knowledge base for our clients in their decision-making process. Our economic expertise, analytic skills and client base combine to provide unique insights and strategic and long-term planning for agribusinesses around the world.”