The North Carolina Poultry Federation (NCPF) 2014 annual meeting included an awards presentation banquet, featuring a conversation with North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory. Gov. McCrory and NCPF Past President Scott Prestage engaged in a relaxed question-answer format before the 200 members and dinner guests of the NCPF.
The keynote address was given by Donnie Smith, president and CEO of Tyson Foods. Smith accompanied his speech with a slide presentation.
North Carolina Poultry Federation presents awards
The Honorable Howard Coble, whose elected tenure has spanned 30 years in the U.S. House of representatives, was presented the NCPF Distinguished Service Award. National Turkey Federation President Joel Brandenberger presented the award to Coble.
Outgoing NCPF President Dan Peugh presented the Grower Environmental Award to Andy and Joy Herring of Andy Herring Farms in Dunn, North Carolina. The Herrings are producers for Prestage Farms.
The First Finalist was Edward Maness of Pine Bark Farm in Candor -- a producer for Perdue Foods. Accepting the award for Maness were his managers, Andrea and Danny VonCannon. Assistant Commissioner of Agriculture Joe Reardon helped present the Grower Environmental Awards.
North Carolina Poultry Federation elects board members
The NCPF 2014-15 board members were elected during the conference. The Executive Board is made up
of Jeff Hancock of Tyson Foods, who will serve as president; Ronnie Parker of Circle-S-Ranch, first vice president; Jeff Stalls of Perdue Farms, second vice president; Neal Walsh of Butterball, secretary/treasurer; and Past President Scott Prestage of Prestage Farms.
Board members for 2014-15 include: Chandler Adams, representing the Carolina Feed Industry Association; David Anderson, Butterball; Jeff Beavers, Mountaire Farms; Andrew Boyles, Tyson Foods; Trey Braswell, Braswell Foods; John Brinn, Rose Acre Farms; Kendall Casey, Perdue Farms; Tommy Furlough, Cal-Maine Foods; Todd Huneycutt, Huneycutt Brothers Farm; Dr. Alice Johnson, Butterball; Bob Johnson, House of Raeford; Cowan Johnson, House of Raeford; Terry Maness, Perdue Farms; Paul Nordin, Wayne Farms; Connie Ozment, Valley Proteins; Tommy Porter, Porter Farms; Charles Rigdon, Case Farms; Tommy Robertson, Sanderson Farms; Joe Steed, representing the Breeder Hatchery Association; Mark Whitt, International Paper; and Richard Williams, Pilgrim’s.