Research and new technologies to improve poultry health

Research and new technologies to improve poultry health and Poultry Future help vets and poultry health professionals keep up with the latest research and technological advancements so they can promote flock health and welfare.

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How AI, data can predict future animal health challenges

Find out how one company is using artificial intelligence to analyze data and improve animal health and performance.

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Blood chemistry analysis could reduce turkey mortality

The test could objectively predict disease before it occurs.

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In ovo probiotics could boost chick immunity before hatch

Injecting eggs with certain probiotics could help promote the gut health and immunocompetence of hatched chicks.

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Phytogenics could protect broilers from Marek’s disease

Phytogenics can help improve broiler gut health and help prevent Marek’s disease and other intestinal illnesses when injected simultaneously with a vaccine.

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How vector vaccines aid poultry health control

Recombinant vaccines can provide poultry producers with a way to manage several poultry diseases right from the hatchery.

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