Aviagen France seminar focuses on breeder nutrition

Customers from across France recently attended an Aviagen France breederday in La Chapelle-sur-Erdre. The audience of 120 people heard presentations ona wide range of topics related to the Ross PM3.

Corinne Morvan, Aviagen France nutritionist, discusses energy and protein requirements of the Ross PM3.
Corinne Morvan, Aviagen France nutritionist, discusses energy and protein requirements of the Ross PM3.

Aviagen customers from across France recently attended an Aviagen France breeder day in La Chapelle-sur-Erdre. The audience of 120 people heard presentations on a wide range of topics related to the Ross PM3.

Hosted at the Westotel, the one-day event was opened by Thierry Rolland, general manager, Aviagen France, who emphasized the importance of correct feeding for parent stock (PS). Discussions covered the effect of nutrition on performance, chick quality and broiler growth - all key management aspects for the Ross PM3.

Gérard Munsch, technical service manager, Aviagen France, summarized the performance of the Ross PM3 in France in 2012 against previous years. Munsch pointed out the benefits of using the Easy Flock system as part of good data-handling practice to help identify best performance and highlight any potential issues.

Achieving the energy and protein requirements of the Ross PM3, a fundamental part of meeting the potential of the birds, was demonstrated by Corinne Morvan, Aviagen France nutritionist. Morvan was followed by Otto Van Tuijl, technical director, Aviagen EPI, who illustrated Morvan's findings through an analysis of field trial data and first-hand experience.

The group also heard from Jim McAdam, UK breeding program director, Aviagen, who summarized the latest research and development innovations to help improve breeder performance. Commenting on his presentation, McAdam said: "There is never one single element of a bird that you can work with that doesn't affect something else. Good management and flock performance needs a holistic approach covering all the angles and bases. Even accounting for that, nutrition is one of the lynchpins of a successful flock. Poor nutrition can affect a wide number of things, from egg numbers, to fertility and hatch, particularly during the late production phase. 

It was also a chance to hear from a customer 'at the coal face' with Pieter Geldof from Belgabroed in Belgium presenting his vision of the breeding and hatchery activities through his own and long experience on breeders. Geldof looked at the factors he considers key to achieve good technical and economical performances.

  The event wrapped up with a discussion on how to get the best out of the Ross PM3. Concluding, Rolland said: "The French knowledge of the Ross PM3 should be looked as a real bonus within the industry. All the elements discussed today, especially nutrition, work together to keep this advantage."

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