Infectious bursal disease vaccines examined in research project

A Universityof Delaware and Ohio State University study comparing recombinant infectiousbursal disease vaccines has been completed.

A study conducted by scientists from the University of Delaware and Ohio State University that compared the effectiveness of recombinant infectious bursal disease (IBD) vaccines has recently been completed. The study found that overall, bursal lesion scores in challenged broilers appeared to be lower with the use of one of the vaccines compared to lesion scores in broilers vaccinated with the other vaccine.

The vaccines were not specifically named.

In recent years, recombinant IBD vaccines have been utilized to protect chickens against both Marek’s disease and IBD. The research project, led by University of Delaware’s Jack Gelb Jr., Brian Ladman and Erin Brannick, and Ohio State University's Daral Jackwood, compared the ability of two recombinant IBD vaccines to protect chickens against a variety of different IBD viruses found in the United States. Both vaccines were found to provide better protection in specific pathogen-free (SPF) maternal antibody-free white leghorns than in maternal antibody positive broilers. Protection varied against different IBD challenge viruses and differences were seen in the protection afforded by the two vaccines. Four different ELISA kits were evaluated for their ability to detect antibody induced by the recombinant vaccines, and two of the evaluated kits were found to be most effective.

The project was part of the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) and USPOULTRY Foundation comprehensive research program, which encompasses all phases of poultry and egg production and processing.

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