USPOULTRY releases fourth video in series

The U.S. Poultry & Egg Association is releasing a fourth video in a series highlighting environmental stewardship on poultry and egg farms. The video features one of USPOULTRY’s Family Farm Environmental Excellence Award winners, Meiring Poultry Farm of Ft. Recovery, OH.

U.S. Poultry & Egg Association (USPOULTRY) is releasing a fourth video in a series highlighting environmental stewardship on poultry and egg farms. The video features one of USPOULTRY’s Family Farm Environmental Excellence Award winners, Meiring Poultry Farm of Ft. Recovery, OH.

Bill and Janet Knapke own and operate Meiring Poultry Farm, which consists of 250 acres and has four pullet houses for layers, with a total capacity of 330,000 birds. The company also produces row crops and operates pullet houses for Cooper Farms. The Excellence Award is chosen for exemplary environmental stewardship by family farms engaged in poultry and egg production. 

The Meiring farm utilizes a composter for chicken mortality and a nutrient management plan with 100 percent of its litter sold to a third party. To protect the land and preserve wildlife, Meiring has taken several proactive measures including the installation of field borders, filter strips, wetlands, windbreaks and other general tree planting. The farm participates in the Conservation Reserve Program and the Wetland Reserve Program to further protect, restore and enhance wetlands, reduce soil erosion, improve water quality and increase wildlife habitat. 

“We are a third-generation farm and are proud of the work we do. It is how we earn our living, and we make every attempt to incorporate the best environmental management practices possible in our operations,” said Bill.

“USPOULTRY and our members know the significance of exemplary environmental stewardship. We are pleased to be able to provide this video series highlighting the environmental efforts of our family farmers,” said Sherman Miller, Cal-Maine Foods and USPOULTRY chairman. 

The video can be viewed on USPOULTRY’s YouTube Channel by clicking here.

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