Find out what you’ve been missing in the digital edition of the Poultry International, which is available online now.
Antibiotic resistance not solved by livestock curbs alone
Study results released during World Antibiotics Awareness Week show growing resistance to veterinary and human antibiotics and poor public understanding of its causes. Read more…
How to boost poultry profits, productivity with data
Broad and fully analyzed data can improve day-to-day decision making, driving production and raising profits. Read more…
VIV MEA to debut in 2016
Animal protein producers in Middle Eastern and African countries will gain a new trade fair in 2016 geared specifically to their needs. Read more…
How egg producers get the most out of chick suppliers
High-quality chicks are essential for a profitable egg business, but egg producers can also call on their chick supplier's expertise and support to maximize layer flock returns. Read more…
4 tips to improve eggshell resistance in aging layers
Eggshell resistance is naturally reduced as layers age, but there are means to alleviate the impact of metabolic fatigue through nutritional intervention. Read more…
Alternatives to soybean meal for laying hens
Alternative ingredients can be used in layer diets, but lack of knowledge often causes lost opportunities. This article provides a roadmap for how to incorporate such ingredients in layer diets. Read more…
9 tips to control inflammatory process in broilers
Following inflammatory process prevention strategies can help to minimize carcass downgrades and condemnations at the processing plant. Read more…
How to maximize poultry processing plant profits, output
Paying close attention to key points along poultry processing operations, as well as keeping an eye on market opportunities, will help ensure output and profitability. Read more…