Midwest Poultry Federation announces board officers

Bruce Eastlund of Fairmont, Minn., will continue his role as the President of Midwest Poultry Federation for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

Bruce Eastlund of Fairmont, Minn., will continue his role as the President of Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF) for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Eastlund is one of three allied industry positions on the MPF Board of Directors, and he represents his company, ILC Resources, based in Urbandale, Iowa.

“I am thrilled to be able to lead MPF into the coming year,” said Eastlund. “Our 2017 convention was extremely successful all the way around, from attendance to the continued expansion of our exhibit space. I am excited to capitalize on the momentum we experienced this year and build upon our successes in a brand-new location—the Minneapolis Convention Center—for 2018.”

Other officers, who will also serve a two-year term, are:

Vice President Greg Nelson, Nelson Poultry Farms Inc., Manhattan, Kans. He represents the Kansas Poultry Association on the Board.

Secretary/Treasurer: Ben Thompson, Pearl Valley Eggs in Pearl City, Ill. Thompson represents the Illinois Poultry Industries on the Board.

At the MPF Board meeting in mid-March, Sandi Hofmann of Aviagen Turkeys was re-elected to a second term as an Allied Director on the Board. Aviagen Turkeys is a long-time exhibitor at the convention; Hofmann is one of three Allied Directors who represent all exhibiting companies on the Board.

Honored for their service to the MPF Board were retiring directors Bill Bevans, Nebraska Poultry Industries; Allen Behl, Wisconsin Poultry & Egg Association; and Dr. Louis Arrington, Wisconsin Poultry & Egg Association. Arrington is a founding director of the MPF organization, a past president, and has been on the Board since its inception in 1971. He was honored with a Director Emeritus position on the MPF Board.

MPF also has established the Louis C. Arrington Education Fund as a way to encourage and guide students toward a career in the poultry industry, which has always been a passion of Arrington’s. The fund may be used in a variety of ways, including but not limited to scholarships, events to encourage student participation at the MPF Convention, and other expenses that may occur to assist students with their career choices in poultry. The fund will consist of net revenue from the annual MPF Convention as well as donations from poultry and allied companies, which help maximize the impact of program.

The Midwest Poultry Federation Convention ended its very successful 20-year run in Saint Paul with three sold-out exhibit halls, jam-packed education sessions, and registration just over the 3,200 mark, slightly higher than last year’s record of 3,100 attendees.

The 47th annual Midwest Poultry Federation Convention will be held March 13-15, 2018, at a new location—the Minneapolis Convention Center. Also new in 2018 will be a full two-day schedule for the Exhibit Hall. The show will feature a Pre-Show Nutrition Symposium along with its usual array of social/networking events, education and exhibits. Held in conjunction with the 2018 MPF Convention will be the North Central Avian Disease Conference, scheduled for March 12-13, and the Organic Egg Farmers Symposium on March 13.

Further details on the 2018 show will be available later this year at MPF’s web site, www.midwestpoultry.com.

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