A semi hauling a load of live chickens for Foster Farms was involved in an accident on June 26 in Clark County, Washington.
The accident, according to a report from KOIN, the driver was on his way to the Foster Farms plant in Kelso, Washington, and attempted to make a U-turn in an area where U-turns were not allowed. Foster Farms said the driver was “inexperienced” and was only making his second haul to Kelso.
About 5,000 chickens were spilled in the wreck, but it was not known how many of the birds survived the wreck. Foster Farms sent crews to the scene to gather the spilled chickens.
Animal rights activist arrested at scene
Apparently, not everyone who gathered chickens at the scene had an affiliation with Foster Farms.
About 30 animal rights activists involved with the group Direct Action Everywhere (DxE) and the Save Movement appeared to protest. One activist, identified as Amber Canavan picked up a chicken and refused to return the chicken when asked repeatedly by a Foster Farms employee and a trooper with the Washington Highway Patrol to do so.
She was arrested on suspicion of obstruction of a peace officer and third-degree theft.
Canavan is one of several DxE members to be arrested recently.
On two occasions, DxE co-founder Wayne Hsiung has been arrested, as has DxE member Jonathan Frohmayer. In May, the two, plus four other DxE members, were arrested on suspicion of stealing live turkeys that were being raised for processing by Norbest.
Hsiung, along with an underage member of DxE, was also arrested in April on suspicion of trespassing at a Whole Foods Market store in Boulder, Colorado.
In August 2017, Frohmayer was arrested on suspicion of trespassing after he allegedly refused to stop blocking a truck while on the property of Petaluma Poultry in Petaluma, California. Other activists were at the scene in Petaluma, but Frohmayer was the only person who allegedly refused to comply with police requests to move.