CP China chooses Petersime as strategic cooperation partner

CP China will build a new modern broiler hatchery with a yearly capacity of 60 million for its first phase. It is in Gucheng county, Hengshui city, in the Hebei province, China.

CP China will build a new modern broiler hatchery with a yearly capacity of 60 million for its first phase. It is in Gucheng county, Hengshui city, in the Hebei province, China. 

Focus on long-term sustainable development

CP China started the cooperation with Petersime in 1986 for the BPBC MiYun GP hatchery, in succession with CP Xinjiang broiler/layer hatcheries projects in 2009 and BPBC Shunyi GP hatchery project built in 2011.

“The Belgian company Petersime is the world’s leading supplier of incubator equipment,” said Zhang Qing Qi, senior vice chairman of CP Hengsui. “We chose Petersime because we focus on long-term sustainable development. The future of the poultry industry is not solely focused on chick breeding, but more on food safety and biosecurity. Petersime is an international company, provides excellent service and technical support to customers. We will apply the advanced hatchery equipment and technology in our hatchery to create more value for our customers and provide safer chicken products for the end consumers.”

Top-notch machinery for maximum output

CP Hengshui project, with a total of 54 BioStreamer 24S OX setters and BioStreamer 8H OX hatchers, is fully equipped with a Petersime climate control system and the Eagle Eye management system. The setters and hatchers are equipped with Petersime Operational Excellence Technology. After the installation of Phase I, the hatchery will reach a total yearly output capacity up to 50 million slaughter broilers.

“I am very pleased and proud that also CP in China chose to cooperate with Petersime. We have taken a long journey together and took many aspects into consideration. I am confident that we will deliver top-quality incubators and know how to provide support and service from our Chinese office ran by chief representative Sandy Qi,” said Hugo De Ruyck, Petersime’s sales director for Asia.

A whole industry chain project

It took several periods of investigation and demonstration before senior Chairman of CP Group Xie Guomin restarted the construction of the CP Hengshui project, a whole industry chain project on March 28, 2016. Vice Chairman of CP Group Yang Xiaoping and their team met with the government officers of Hengshui and Gucheng. The two parties agreed and decided the start date of CP Hengshui broiler whole industry chain project. At the same time, they increased the broiler breeding and processing production from 30 million to 100 million (50 million for Phase I) birds per year.

The opening ceremony for the CP Hengshui broiler whole industry chain project was held at CP Hengshui feed mill on October 19, 2016. The first phase includes seven projects, which are three breeder farms, three broiler farms and one feed mill. The hatchery opening ceremony was on January 4. It will be in operation at end of 2019. Another three breeder farms and 19 broiler farms are also in construction.

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