IPE 2012 to include international rendering symposium

The 2012 International Poultry Expo is introducing a new education program titled, International Rendering Symposium: Focus on Quality, as a featured component of its educational programs. The program is co-sponsored by the National Renderers Association and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association.

The 2012 International Poultry Expo is introducing a new education program titled, International Rendering Symposium: Focus on Quality, as a featured component of its educational programs. The program is co-sponsored by the National Renderers Association and U.S. Poultry & Egg Association.

"Rendered byproducts are an essential aspect to the poultry industry,” said Dr. David Meeker, vice president of scientific services for the National Renderers Association. "Encompassing safety and quality control practices serve as the foundation to the production of a quality product. This program will include several globally recognized speakers who will focus on control methods, microbiological controls, research and useful details on using rendered products in high quality diets for various species."

Programs topics will include global rendering markets, rendering code of practice for safety and quality – certification standards, controlling Salmonella in feed, research in the rendering industry, the role of rendered products in aquaculture feeds, rendered products for pet food and other issue-specific subjects. 

The Expo will be held from January 24 through 26, at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta, Ga.

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