‘Wreck-It Ralph,’ Walt Disney Pictures’ arcade game-hopping animated adventure that was released theatrically in late 2012, is featured with Cargill's Honeysuckle White and Shady Brook Farms turkey brands in a springtime promotion that offers consumers a $5 mail-in rebate when they purchase a fresh turkey product and a Blu-ray combo pack. The promotion kicks off March 5 with the ‘Wreck-It Ralph’ Blu-ray release, and runs through April 30.
The Cargill turkey brand/’Wreck-It Ralph’ promotion utilizes an array of marketing tools to create consumer awareness and leverage sales of turkey products and the Blu-ray combo pack, including a March 10, national free-standing newspaper insert detailing the mail-in rebate. More than 7 million packages of Honeysuckle White and Shady Brook Farms turkey products will receive promotional packaging during an eight-week timeframe. Packaging includes a quick response code and website address for consumers to quickly access the mail-in rebate form from their mobile devices.