Perdue partners with Rivers Alive in Georgia waterway project

Perdue Farms, through a $5,000 grant funded by the Arthur W.Perdue Foundation, is helping Rivers Alive of Georgia fund its annual volunteereffort to beautify the state’s waterways. Rivers Alive is a program of theGeorgia Environmental Protection Division with a mission to create awarenessand involvement in the preservation of Georgia’s water resources.

Melissa Molaison, Perdue environmental manager in Perry, Ga., presents a $5,000 grant funded by the Arthur W. Perdue Foundation to members of the Georgia Rivers Alive Board of Directors.
Melissa Molaison, Perdue environmental manager in Perry, Ga., presents a $5,000 grant funded by the Arthur W. Perdue Foundation to members of the Georgia Rivers Alive Board of Directors.

Perdue Farms, through a $5,000 grant funded by the Arthur W. Perdue Foundation, is helping Rivers Alive of Georgia fund its annual volunteer effort to beautify the state's waterways. Rivers Alive is a program of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division with a mission to create awareness and involvement in the preservation of Georgia's water resources. 

"Over the years, we've had some great sponsors for our river cleanup program and Perdue is continuing the trend," said Harold Harbert, outreach manager of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD) Watershed Protection Branch. "Not only does Perdue support Rivers Alive, they also organize their own successful waterway cleanups."

As Harbert explains, volunteers throughout Georgia are spending fall weekends this year cleaning up the state's many rivers, lakes and coastal waters. The cleanup is the largest single volunteer effort to  beautify Georgia's water resources.

"Partnerships with local, grassroots environmental groups and programs such as Rivers Alive enable us to provide support to worthwhile projects while also giving our associates volunteer opportunities," said Melissa Molaison, Environmental Manager at Perdue's operations in Perry and a Rivers Alive board member. "At Perdue, we're committed  to being a trustworthy corporate citizen and a conscientious steward of the environment. We're proud that Perdue is able to lend its support both through this grant from the Arthur W. Perdue Foundation and through the volunteer efforts of our associates here in Perry."

Perdue volunteers and their family members joined others from the community on Saturday, September 28 in Houston County for a cleanup at Knowles Landing on the Ocmulgee River.

Rivers Alive is a program of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. The mission of Rivers Alive is to create awareness and involvement in the preservation of Georgia's water resources.

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