HKScan to unify name across markets

HKScan's corporate name structure is to be unified in all countries in which it operates.Each company name will lead off with the common HKScan prefix followed, in most cases, by the relevant country name in English.HKScan's corporate name structure is be harmonized in all countries in which it operates.

HKScan's corporate name structure is to be unified in all countries in which it operates.

Each company name will lead off with the common HKScan prefix followed, in most cases, by the relevant country name in English. The schedule for the change is yet to be announced and will see names such as Ruokatalo, Scan and Rose Poultry disappear.

All group functions related to animal sourcing and producer services will uniformly adopt the name HKScan Agri on all HKScan home markets, while the company's away from home offering will be marketed under the HKScan Pro and HKScan brands.

The new naming structure is intended to clarify the HKScan brand strategy and strengthen the company's identity both internally and externally. It follows strategic and organizational reforms initiated in 2012 to improve profitability and operational efficiency and to build a stronger, unified corporate structure.

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