Registration is open for Poultry 101 course

Registration is open for the upcomingPoultry 101 course at Auburn University. Scheduled for April 8-10, Poultry 101is a hands-on course for the poultry industry that focuses on maintaining meatquality and yield during poultry processing and further processing.

Registration is open for the upcoming Poultry 101 course at Auburn University. Scheduled for April 8-10, Poultry 101 is a hands-on course for the poultry industry that focuses on maintaining meat quality and yield during poultry processing and further processing.

Participants can learn more about the production and processing factors that impact final product quality, safety and consistency. The course offers processing and further processing activities where sausage, hot dogs, deli loaves and other meat and poultry products are made.

Registration fee for the workshop is $690 per person. Poultry 101 is a cooperative effort between Auburn University, the University of Arkansas and Texas A&M University.

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