UK Food Standards Agency completes 2 Sisters audits

The U.K.’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) has completed its audits of 2 Sisters Food Group’s plants at Scunthorpe and Llangefni.

The U.K.’s Food Standards Agency (FSA) has completed its audits of 2 Sisters Food Group’s plants at Scunthorpe and Llangefni. Initial results from the audits have led to them being classified as “good” and “generally satisfactory.” 

The FSA recently introduced a new, more thorough audit process with four outcome ratings: good, generally satisfactory, improvement necessary, and urgent improvement necessary. The audits were conducted in response to allegations in a U.K. newspaper questioning hygiene standards at the two processing plants. 

Company response

Ranjit Singh, CEO of 2 Sisters Food Group, commented: “We welcomed these audits and we are pleased the FSA has worked with typical rigor and thoroughness. We are satisfied with their findings, which show that no legislative compliance issues were raised.

“However, we must not be complacent. We operate our business in an environment of continual improvement and we will be carrying on with that to ensure we produce first-class British products for all our consumers.”

The company adds that, last year, it launched the biggest ever independent study into campylobacter and that the latest FSA figures show that its industry-leading position in controlling campylobacter is continuing to improve. 

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