New BRF CEO ready to conquer new markets

The board of directors of BRF approved PedroFaria on September 25 as the new global CEO, replacing Claudio Galeazzi, whowill remain in the position until December 31.

The board of directors of BRF approved Pedro Faria on September 25 as the new global CEO, replacing Claudio Galeazzi, who will remain in the position until December 31. Currently, Faria is the CEO of the company’s international operations.

"Pedro has a solid career and a history of conquests, as well as a deep knowledge of the company, through its experience of nearly three years as a board member and then a year as international CEO," said Abilio Diniz, chairman of the board of BRF. "His dynamic profile, along with his experience in different markets, made the difference to choose the executive to lead the new positioning of BRF, continuing the current management model."

Faria arrives to lead a long-term cycle with a focus on high performance, consolidating the management model implemented until today, based on quality, efficiency and meritocracy.

"I am confident that Pedro will be a leader who will be able to further strengthen the movement to build a unique corporate culture: Viva BRF. From now on, we will go together to begin a very well structured and planned process of transition, with full transparency, to gradually assume leadership and with my full support," said Galeazzi.

BRF stretching into Abu Dhabi

The new CEO will continue to strengthen the process of BRF globalization, focusing on the conquest of new markets. Among the projects under his responsibility is the completion of construction of the plant in Abu Dhabi — the first BRF production unit designed and built by the company outside of Brazil — to be launched in November and iconic in the process of the internationalization of the company.

Pedro Faria has a successful history with BRF

Pedro Faria was a member of the board of BRF for about three years and since November 2013 has served as CEO of international operations. In that role, he prioritized markets and products with higher profitability, reduced risk of volatility and strengthened the company brands abroad.

Faria graduated with a degree in business administration from the Getulio Vargas Foundation in São Paulo, and an MBA from the University of Chicago.
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