Ukrainian feed and grain company Myronivsky Hliboproduct (MHP) will start trading shares in the Ukrainian stock market on February 2. MHP is doing so through a partnership with Dragon Capital and the Ukrainian Exchange.
Dragon Capital oversaw technical and legal aspects of MHP’s dual listing process, which the company itself initiated.
“For several years, stock market participants have jointly worked on creating a framework for dual listings to make it possible to trade shares of Ukrainian companies which originally went public abroad. Finally, our persistence has been rewarded. From now on, shares of foreign-listed Ukrainian companies will be available for trading on the domestic market,” said Oleh Tkachenko, president of the board of the Ukrainian Exchange.
“Our company’s production assets are located in Ukraine, and we are very happy to know that domestic investors will now be able to own our shares. This is a huge step forward both for the Ukrainian stock market and for our company,” said Viktoriya Kapeliushna, chief financial officer of MHP.
“MHP’s dual listing is a real breakthrough for the Ukrainian stock market. We are happy to have accomplished this project after putting so much knowledge, energy and effort into it. The Ukrainian market now has not just another security to trade but a vivid example of best corporate governance practices. This is an example for other local companies to follow and a positive sign for investors,” said Dmytro Tarabakin, Dragon Capital’s managing director.