Finland produces more poultry meat, less pork

Statistics just published by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) reveal that, at 404 metric tons (mt), the country’s meat production increased by almost 2 percent last year when compared with 2015.

Nadia Jasmine,
Nadia Jasmine,

Statistics just published by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) reveal that, at 404 metric tons (mt), the country’s meat production increased by almost 2 percent last year when compared with 2015. Output of beef and eggs were also higher than the year before.

However, Finnish pork production declined in 2016, leading one of its top pig meat processors to consider closing one of its plants.

New record in poultry meat production, more eggs

Total poultry meat production set a new record of a little over 125 mt in 2016. Broiler meat, which makes up more than 90 percent of poultry meat output, increased by as much as 7 percent., and turkey meat production was also higher than in 2015, according to Senior Actuary at LUKE, Sanna Vuorisalo.

At just over 72 mt, egg production increased for the fifth successive year, and reached its highest level for more than two decades.

In Finland, 63 percent of eggs are produced in enriched cages, 32 percent from barns and free-range systems, and five percent are organic. More organic and cage eggs were produced on Finnish farms in 2016 than the previous year, and fewer barn and free-range eggs.

Long-term reduction in output of other meats may lead to future pork plant closure

At just over 190 mt in 2016, pork production in Finland was 1 percent down on the year before, according to LUKE. At its height in 2008, pig meat output was more than 217 mt.

Reflecting the current market conditions and meat supply situation in the country, Finnish based meat company, HKScan has recently announced it intends to upgrade the efficiency of its pig slaughtering and processing activities. The firm is in negotiations at its Mellilä processing facility – where both pigs and sows are slaughtered - with the view to the possible future closure or downsizing of production there.

Peak production of Finnish beef occurred in the 1980s at 125 mt. In 2016, output was a little less than 87 mt. While more cows and heifers were slaughtered than in 2015, there were fewer bulls in 2016.

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