BRF defends itself against Weak Flesh accusations

Brazil's BRF responds to accusations of falsified data and test certificates that emerged from the latest phase of Operation Weak Flesh.

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BRF has responded to the allegations against it that emerged as part of the latest phase of Brazil’s Operation Weak Flesh.

Response to Salmonella allegations

Regarding contamination with Salmonella pullorum, the company pointed out that tests carried out on chicks referred to by the Federal Police were negative for infection with the bacteria, adding, however, that breeder flocks and broilers in Carambei, Parana, were infected during the period under investigation, but that results were given to both the state and federal inspection services.

Response to Premix allegations

In response to the accusation that the company produced premixes with different contents to that reported to auditors, BRF stated that its premix plants are registered with, and certified by, the Ministry of Agriculture, and that the most recent audit of is plants, conducted in October last year, found that the company was acting within rules governing premix production.

Response to accusations of falsified test results

With regard to e-mails alleging falsified test results and sanitary certificates, the company notes the e-mails were written by an ex-employee who left BRF in 2014. The e-mails were taken seriously by the company, and various measures have been taken to improve internal procedures, including testing laboratories now reporting to central quality control rather than back to production plants.

Reviewing and improving procedures is an ongoing process, BRF states.

The company also adds that if follows Brazilian and international standards concerning the production and marketing of its products, and holds important international quality certifications. BRF stresses that it remains wholly available to work with authorities for any clarification while maintaining full transparency with customers, consumers, shareholders and the wider market.

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