A case study on the roles of nongovernmental organizations in influencing intergovernmental decisions regarding highly pathogenic Avian Influenza in Cambodia

During outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Cambodia, local non-governmental organizations managed to strategically influence decision making processes in inter-governmental organizations by highlighting human death tolls, public health, and rural livelihoods. This was accomplished through active participation in conferences, consultations, meetings, and workshops as well as disseminating messages via articles, papers, reports, studies, and websites.

During outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Cambodia, local non-governmental organizations managed to strategically influence decision making processes in inter-governmental organizations by highlighting human death tolls, public health, and rural livelihoods.

This was accomplished through active participation in conferences, consultations, meetings, and workshops as well as disseminating messages via articles, papers, reports, studies, and websites.

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