H7N9 avian influenza claims second human life in Hong Kong

A 65-year-old man infected with the H7N9 avian influenzavirus has died in Hong Kong. He was the third person to be diagnosed with H7N9avian influenza in Hong Kong, and the second person to die after contractingthe virus.

A 65-year-old man infected with the H7N9 avian influenza virus has died in Hong Kong. He was the third person to be diagnosed with H7N9 avian influenza in Hong Kong, and the second person to die after contracting the virus.

The man, according to a Reuters report, came from the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen and had eaten poultry there.

The other person to suffer a death from avian influenza in Hong Kong, was an 80-year-old man, who on December 3, 2013, sought diabetes and heart treatment at Tuen Mun Hospital on December 3, but three days later he had flu symptoms. His death was confirmed later in the month. He was the second person in Hong Kong reported to have been stricken by H7N9 avian influenza.

Hong Kong's first human victim of H7N9, a 36-year-old domestic worker who had travelled from Indonesia, was last reported in stable condition.
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