Marketing organization American Egg Board (AEB) recently launched its “Crack it with an Egg” campaign to encourage consumers to use more eggs in their everyday recipes.
“It's all about positioning eggs as the ultimate hack with some bold and edgy creativity that's meant to engage and inspire consumers, especially millennials,” said Emily Metz, AEB President and CEO, during the United Egg Producers’ (UEP) recent Area Briefing.
The campaign is led by social media chef Josh Elkin who was named the movement's Chief Cracking Officer. Josh’s team of 11 social media influencers has created and posted more than 50 new egg recipes on social media that are reaching over 11 million followers. Recipes are featured on the AEB’s website and the AEB’s Instagram account.
"I've made it my life's mission to champion the limitless potential of the incredible egg," Elkin explained in a TikTok video. "Eggs inject so much flavor and texture to any dish, without breaking the bank. It's an honor to be recognized for my efforts and to serve as the inaugural Chief Cracking Officer."
The AEB urges consumers to share a new egg recipe on social media using the hashtag #CrackItWithAnEgg.
"Josh's 'never skip egg day' mantra is what distinguished him from the other applicants we considered for this critical new role. He knows what an egg can crack and pushes the boundaries of what they can do culinarily. We cannot wait to see what he cracks next!” stated Metz.
Crack your holidays with an egg
The AEB plans to carry the campaign through the end of the year in a partnership with John Kanell, founder of The Preppy Kitchen.
“As we know this period is often (the egg industry’s) lowest consuming period. We really wanted to inject some life into this season,” added Metz.
Kanell will be hosting a 30-minute live event workshop in late October where he will discuss how to get more out of a holiday food budget using eggs and help consumers “crack their holiday baking with an egg.”