Liberia gets US$1 million grant for poultry farming

Liberia has received a US$1 million grant from Nigeria to begin a poultry farming project, according to Liberia's Minister of Agriculture Florence Chenoweth, that will produce consumable poultry products and bring an end to imports. “We want to bring to an end the importation of poultry products, specifically eggs, by the end of this year," said Chenoweth.

Liberia has received a US$1 million grant from Nigeria to begin a poultry farming project, according to Liberia's Minister of Agriculture Florence Chenoweth, that will produce consumable poultry products and bring an end to imports.

“We want to bring to an end the importation of poultry products, specifically eggs, by the end of this year," said Chenoweth. “We’ll have at our site in Grand Cape Mount County over 70,000 day-old chicks. Some of these will be given to other farmers who have an interest in poultry farming.” The project, known as Obasanjo Farm after the Nigerian President Olusengun Obasanjo, is meant to help reduce the incidence of bird flu that comes from imported products and raise the quality of local production.

The Liberia ministry is also working on a corn production program to produce local feed for the chickens. Chenoweth said the poultry farming project and its corn feeding program will create job opportunities for Liberians, especially young people who want to engage in poultry farming.

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