Cheesecake Factory to beat own cage-free deadline

The Cheesecake Factory announced it is working to fast track the sourcing of 100% cage-free eggs by the end of 2022 in its bakery sector, which accounts for the bulk of the company’s egg usage.

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The Cheesecake Factory announced it is working to fast track the sourcing of 100% cage-free eggs by the end of 2022 in its bakery sector, which accounts for the bulk of the company’s egg usage. 

While the chain converted its U.S. and Canadian restaurant operations to cage-free usage in 2020, it didn’t initially plan to meet the conversion plan for its bakery sector until 2025. Additionally, the company is planning to convert its international business, Puerto Rico and Canada, to solely cage free by establishing a strategy and timeline to reach the goal by or before 2030.

 “We were able to successfully transition to 100% cage-free eggs for our restaurants and West Coast Bakery with our contracted supply, which puts us ahead of our overall 2025 cage-free egg goal,” stated the company’s most recent Corporate Social Responsibility Progress Update.

Additionally, it is well-known that the coronavirus pandemic caused supply issues across the industry. In the update, the Cheesecake Factory emphasized the supply disruptions it is experiencing due to COVID-19 are further slowing its transition and the ability to source cage-free eggs.

“The welfare of all animals throughout our supply chain is critically important to us,” stated Megan Bloomer, Vice President of Sustainability of The Cheesecake Factory Incorporated. "The transition to cage-free eggs was a key component of our larger commitment to animal welfare through the adoption of the Five Freedoms and our Sustainable Sourcing Policy."

Tracking cage-free conversions

Multiple factors have pushed the cage-free movement, including state law changes, future purchase pledges by major egg purchasers, consumer demand and increased layer housing prices. 

To help egg producers match the future supply of cage-free eggs with the future demand, Compassion in World Farming released its 2021 EggTrack Report at the end of last year. The document shows the number of companies that have committed to going cage-free by a specific date, their progress and key findings pertaining to the egg industry’s transition.


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