Cal-Maine Foods, Inc. named Sherman L. Miller as President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) on September 30, 2022, effective immediately.
Miller follows Dolph Baker, who will continue in his role as Chairman of the company’s Board of Directors, and as an executive officer. Baker plans to remain involved in managing Cal-Maine Foods, focusing on strategy, capital allocation, guiding senior management and leading the board.
Miller joined Cal-Maine Foods in 1996 and has acted in several management positions while with the company. He was named President in 2018, Chief Operations Officer (COO) in 2011 and Vice President of Operations in 2007. Additionally, Miller has worked in management positions at Cal-Maine’s processing plants in Kansas, Utah and Mississippi. He will remain interim COO until a replacement is appointed.
In the egg industry, Miller acts as a director of the industry associations U.S. Poultry and Egg Association and United Egg Producers. He earned his undergraduate degree in poultry science from Mississippi State University.
Miller stated: “I am proud and honored to assume this role with Cal-Maine Foods. Dolph has been a tremendous leader and mentor, and we will continue to benefit from his valuable insight and deep knowledge of the Company. He has established Cal-Maine Foods as a leader in our industry, and we will continue to work together and build upon this proud legacy and history of success. Cal-Maine Foods has a proven business model with a favorable product mix, a strong focus on efficient and sustainable operations, and a solid base of valued customers.”
Baker added: “Sherman has dedicated his entire career to Cal-Maine Foods and is extremely well qualified for this leadership position, having the right complement of operational experience and strategic vision. He has been a proven leader in managing our operations through the various market cycles that are characteristic of our industry. Under his leadership, the Company has achieved tremendous growth, and he has the full confidence of the board that he is the right person to lead the Company forward. Sherman is well-respected within the company, by our customers and throughout our industry.”