China’s crops to recover from drought

Agriculture ministry expects good autumn harvest.

As of August 31, 4.787 million hectares of crops in North China were affected by drought, down from the peak of about 10 million hectares, according to China's Ministry of Agriculture.

Although exact statistics are not available, crop production in South China is also fighting back from the drought, said the Chinese government.

As long as there are no more natural disasters in the next month, a good autumn harvest in China can be expected, Chen Mengshan, the spokesman of Agricultural Ministry, said in a recent press conference in Beijing. Anti-drought measures, good growing conditions in the early phase and increasing production areas contribute to this possible harvest, said Chen.

Since late July, China's northern provinces of Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and Shanxi have experienced less precipitation than before, and from August the five southern regions also suffered from drought.

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