Alltech Sustainable Haiti Project reaches one-year mark

The Alltech Sustainable Haiti Project, founded by Alltech President Dr. Pearse Lyons after the Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake that devastated Haiti, has reached its one-year mark with a children's choir, a nearly renovated school and a business in fair-trade coffee. The Haitian Harmony Children's Choir has traveled all over the U.S. to bring attention to the ongoing plight of their country.

The Alltech Sustainable Haiti Project, founded by Alltech President Dr. Pearse Lyons after the Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake that devastated Haiti, has reached its one-year mark with a children's choir, a nearly renovated school and a business in fair-trade coffee.

The Haitian Harmony Children's Choir has traveled all over the U.S. to bring attention to the ongoing plight of their country. They also performed at the opening ceremonies of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. The Centre Educatif l'Union des Coeurs, the school in Haiti's northern village of Ouanaminthe, is being rebuilt and renovated, due to be complete in February. Everything from maintenance to salaries is being handled through Alltech's program. And the Alltech Cafe Citadelle has found a way to support existing Haitian enterprise by producing and selling fair-trade Haitian coffee. Sales proceeds go directly to supporting 900 families in the village of Dondon. “We are committed to building a sustainable future for the next generation of Haiti,” said Lyons. “We want to see a rebirth of a stronger nation, beginning with the little villages of Ouanaminthe and Dondon.”

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